Vegetable Fritters

Serve as Starters or Snacks

Makes 20

Preparation time: 15 minutes. Frying time: about 20 minutes

Suitable for: Gluten free, Vegetarian, Vegan

Enjoy piping hot as a starter to a meal or a snack or starter on their own or with a chutney.

Vegetable fritters - potatoes, aubergines, jalapeno peppers and broccoli

Vegetable fritters - potatoes, aubergines, jalapeno peppers and broccoli



Approximately 150g of vegetables of choice such as broccoli, tender stem broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, jalapeno peppers and/or any other mild peppers, carrots, courgettes, aubergines

Vegetable oil for deep fat frying


Make the batter.

Vegetable Preparation:

Broccoli/Cauliflower - cut the florets from the head of the broccoli - about ½ inch wide and 1 - 1½ long. Rinse and shake off as much residual water as possible. Place on absorbent kitchen paper until ready to use.

Carrots - scrape, wash and cut into sticks about 2½ inches long and ¼ - ½ inch wide. Pat dry with absorbent kitchen paper

Courgettes - peel, wash and cut into sticks as for carrots. Pat dry with absorbent kitchen paper

Potatoes/aubergines - peel, wash and slice into thin circles (like crisps) about 3 - 5mm thick horizontally. Rinse the potatoes again to remove the starch and pat dry in-between sheets of absorbent kitchen paper.

Jalapeno Peppers - wash and dry. Slice along one the length of the pepper without cutting all the way through. Using a teaspoon, gently remove the seeds and membrane.

Putting it all together:

  1. Place the oil in a karai or wok/deep fat fryer no more than one third full. Heat on medium to high heat. Test the oil to see if hot enough to fry by placing a drop of the batter into the oil. If the ball of batter rises within a second or two, the oil is hot enough.

  2. Re-whisk the batter.

  3. Dip each individual vegetable in the batter to coat thoroughly and gently place into the hot oil. The number of pieces of vegetables in the karai at any one time will depend on the circumference of the karai. Make sure there is enough room between the fritters to be able to turn them over in the oil whilst frying without breaking them.  

  4. When the fritters rise to the surface, gently turn them over.  Continue turning them over every so often until they are evenly golden and crisp on both sides. Gently remove from the oil, draining any excess oil back in the karai and place on a plate lined with absorbent kitchen paper.

  5. Repeat process from No. 3 above for the remaining vegetables.

  6. Serve hot on their own or with a chutney


Gajar Halwa (Carrot Halwa) - Dairy and Vegan Versions


Mutter Paneer/Tofu/Aloo