Elderflower Cordial - Three Flavours (Lemon, Citrus and Pineapple)

Elderflowers finally in full bloom so I tried my hand at three different flavours, the original lemon, combination of lemon, lime and orange and pineapple.

Preparation time: 25 minutes (over two days) Cooking time: 15 minutes. Steeping time: 24 hours Total time: (preparation and cooking): 40 minutes

Makes: c. 1.4 litres

Suitable for: Vegetarians, vegans and those on a gluten free diet.

Dilute 1:3 or 1:4 depending on taste with carbonated or non-carbonated cold water

Ingredients (per flavour):

10 large elderflower heads (about 100g of smaller flower heads - see recipe)

20g citric acido

1 litre of water

500g granuluated sugar


Lemon: 1 unwaxed lemon, grated rind and juice, discard the pith.

Citrus: 1 each of unwaxed lemon and lime and 2 oranges, grated rinds and juices. Discard the pith.

Pineapple: small sweet pineapple c. 40g flesh, chopped into small chunks.


Collection and preparation of elderflowers:

Collect the elderflowers early on a dry day and use them as soon as possible. Place the stems of elderflowers in cold water until ready to use.

When ready to use:

  1. Shake the elderflower heads lightly to remove any insects

  2. Dunk the heads in a bowl of cold water for a split second just to remove any remaining ‘debris’.

  3. Pinch out the smaller flower heads from the large ‘parent’ one and discard the thicker stalks. Place in a large bowl together with the flavour(s) of choice.

  4. Place the water and citric acid in a separate pan and bring to the boil on medium to high heat. Take off heat and pour over the elderflowers, cover and let it steep for 24 hours.

Sterilising bottles (sterilise when you start the final process):

  1. Heat the oven to 140°C/275°F/Gas Mark 1

  2. Thoroughly wash the bottles, jug and caps with hot soapy water, drain and drip dry

  3. Place the bottles and pyrex jug in the oven for 10 minutes to sterilise

  4. Sterilise the caps in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Putting it all together:

  1. After 24 hours, line a large sieve with a clean muslin cloth over a large pan and strain the elderflower infused water.

  2. Collect the corners of the muslin to bring them together and using clean hands press any remaining juice out of the muslin.

  3. Place on medium to high heat, add the sugar and stir until all the sugar has dissolved and the liquid reaches boiling point. Turn down the heat and simmer for five minutes.

  4. Turn off heat. Remove the oven rack on which the bottles and jug have been sterilising and place a wooden board (I place it on the wire rack I cool my bread/cakes on). Be very careful.

  5. Drain the caps and place on the hot over rack until needed.

  6. Using oven gloves (one for the handle of the jug and another for the hot bottle) carefully pour the cordial into the bottles whilst still hot.

  7. Cap and allow to cool, refrigerate and enjoy with ice!


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