Marrow Fritters

Serve as a Starter or a Snack

Makes 18 Fritters

Preparation time: 15 minutes Frying time: about 20 minutes

Total time: 35 minutes

Suitable for: Vegetarians, Vegans and those on a gluten free diet.

Enjoy piping hot on their own as a snack or with a chutney and yoghurt as a starter to a meal.

Marrow Fritters part.jpg


800g marrow (weight after soft centre removed and discarded), peeled and grated coarsely

1½ chillies (green finger), chopped finely

1½ teaspoons salt

¼ teaspoon haldi (turmeric)

 ½ teaspoon of garam masala

1 clove garlic, crushed

a handful chopped coriander

170g gram flour, sifted

10 - 20ml water, if needed

Additional ingredients: 

Oil (rapeseed/vegetable) for deep fat frying. 


  1. Quarter marrow, peel and remove the soft centre and discard.

  2. Wash and grate coarsely.

  3. Place the grated marrow in a muslin cloth and squeeze out as much of the water as possible (save this juice to use in juices or to add to broth for risottos and soups)

  4. Place the resulting ‘pulp’ in a bowl, add the spices EXCEPT the salt. Add the garlic and mix together, using your fingers

  5. Add the sifted gram flour and mix it into the spiced marrow pulp. Add the coriander and remix.

  6. Heat the oil in a wok (only use enough oil to cover a third of the wok and use the back burner) on medium to high heat.  To test when hot enough, drop a very small amount of the mixture into the hot oil, it should rise within a second or two.

  7. Just before frying add the salt and mix thoroughly. The salt will cause the juices from the grated marrow to ooze out and should be enough to bind the mixture. If not, add a very small amount of water.

  8. Scoop the mixture into a dessertspoon using a teaspoon to make a ‘mound’ in the dessertspoon. Gently drop this ‘mound’ into the hot oil guiding the mixture as you drop it in so it drops as a ‘mound’ rather than spreads out. Depending on the diameter of your wok, drop a number of these mounds into the hot oil ensuring there is sufficient room to turn the fritters over in the oil readily.

  9. Fry on medium to high heat.  When the fritters rise in the oil, turn them over.  Continue turning them over every so often until they are golden brown in colour on both sides.

  10. Drain, remove from the oil and place on absorbent kitchen paper.

  11. Repeat the process from No. 5 above until all the batter has been used.

  12. Enjoy piping hot


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